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Copenhagen Black Cross First Aid Network

In Copenhagen there is one well established first aid group (CBCFAN), which has already been functioning for a couple of years. They will of course also be there during the summit, but they are not involved in organising the medics effort directly. They have written this brief about themselves:

CBCFAN is a network of Copenhagen first aiders of different qualifications. Our purpose is to administer necessary aid to everyone requiring it. Since December 16th 2006 we've become an easy to recognise part of the streets of Copenhagen, always wearing the mark that you see below.


One thing: it is important not to get us confused with the legal aid/prisoner support group Anarchist Black Cross, with whom we are not connected.

CBCFAN will of course be active during the upcoming climate summit in Copenhagen in 2009. In connection with that we would like to ask first aiders coming from abroad to please use markings that don't resemble ours. We do so because it is essential to our continuing work not only during but especially after the summit, that members of our group remain easy to identify and well known to the local demonstrators etc.

For more information on us please email info[at]